Country of Origin: India
Leaf Appearance: small, dark with some golden tips
Ingredients: black tea
Steep time: 3 minutes
Water Temperature: 212 degrees
Preparation Method: porcelain teacup and mesh infuser
Liquor: deep reddish brown
I don’t get to drink Assam very often (even though I love it) so I was really excited to receive a sample tin of this offering from The Kettle Shed: Tea Company. Although the steeping directions said 3 to 5 minutes, I erred on the side of caution and went with the lower number. The taste was brisk and malty with just the right amount of astringency. It had a subtle sweet quality and a bright, clean finish. When I imagine what Assam tastes like, this is exactly what my mind thinks of. It’s like a comforting sensory memory. No sugar or milk was necessary but it was bold enough to take them if you are so inclined. If you are a fan of English Breakfast, this one will be right up your alley. I’ve been very impressed with the offerings from this UK based company. If you are ever across the pond, be sure to look them up at Chiswick Fine Foods and Drink Market and Bishop’s Park Farmers and Fine Foods Market.
Assam sample provided by The Kettle Shed Tea Company.