Please read this review policy before sending a request to submit samples. Thank you!
-I primarily review tea but I’ve reviewed everything from music, documentaries, and books to pillows. If it is related to tea then I will most likely be interested.
-Each brand may submit no more than 3 distinct teas for potential review. Exceptions may be made in some cases, but please get approval first.
-Acceptance of gifted samples does not in any way guarantee a published review. I am unable to provide a timeline for publication.
-Gifted samples will be declared as such in all content, as required by law.
-Gifted samples become my property and will be utilized as I see fit.
-Tea for Me Please focuses on unflavored specialty teas (Camellia Sinensis) that are directly and transparently sourced. Please consider this before submitting a sample.
-All product reviews state my honest opinion, regardless of whether or not the item is gifted. Brands are not allowed to review or change content prior to publication.
-Content and images produced around a gifted sample are my property. They cannot be used without express permission. If you would like to license images that I have produced, please reach out to me directly.
-Paid advertising may not be run on any social platform using content created by me without prior consent.
Tea for Me Please has a fairly narrow focus so not all teas or related items will be a good fit. These terms are subject to change.
If the terms of this review policy are acceptable, feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected].