Country of Origin: not listed
Leaf Appearance: dark leaves with lots of marshmallows and other goodies
Ingredients: black tea, marshmallows, brittle pieces, cinnamon, allspice, roasted kukicha green tea, natural flavoring
Steep time: 5 minutes
Water Temperature: 205 degrees
Preparation Method: ceramic teapot and mesh stainer
Liquor: reddish brown
Fall is here and I have been craving smores like crazy. This tea totally hit the spot. It was super sweet and definitely brought my favorite fireside treat mind. It was spicy but not in an overdone way, think cinnamon graham cracker rather than chai. The marshmallows melted completely and they lent a creaminess that I really enjoyed. What really amazed me was that there is no chocolate in this blend at all. The base tea gives a little bit of rich, cacao flavor so I didn’t even mind. The kukicha brought in a toastiness in the background that complimented the other ingredients well. Talk about a desert tea! This tea was incredibly decadent and I am officially addicted. Now I’m dying to go back to David’s Tea so that I can order it in latte form.
You can find out more about this tea here.
Wow. Sounds great. I was also thinking it would be wonderful as a latte.
That's what David's Tea said when I posted this review on Twitter. I'll definitely have to try it the next time I'm in their shop.