The Friday Roundup is a weekly collection of five of my favorite blog posts from around the world. It’s my little way of getting the word out about all of my favorite tea blogs. Is there someone I’m missing? Let me know about it in the comments below!
Reflections on a Decade of Tea Blogging
A huge congratulations go out to Lu Ann from The Cup of Life! She is celebrating ten years of blogging. That is not an easy feat, as I have seen lots of blogs come and go. Here is to many more years of sharing a love for tea.
I Visited Table Rock Tea Farm in South Carolina
Eric from One Man’s Tea Journey visited one of the pioneers of tea growing in the United States. It was great to see pictures of the tea fields and processing machines. I hope to be able to visit myself one day.
Replicating Water from the Xi River and Making Tea With It
Max from Tea Secrets has done a ton of research on different waters for tea. In this week’s post, he shares an attempt at recreating water from the Xi River in China. It was interesting to hear how it performed for brewing as well as on its own.
Roasting Green Tea in Japan’s Historical Uji City
I’m still dreaming of traveling to Japan but for now I’ll be living vicarioiusly through Ilona from Up for a Cup. In this post, she shares a look back at a tea roasting workshop that she attended in Uji.
Cwyn of Cwyn’s Death By Tea contemplated the price of puerh and the increases that we have seen in recent years. I definitely agree that more transparency is needed, especially for in demand regions like Yiwu.