Country of Origin: China
Leaf Appearance: varied greens and browns
Ingredients: puerh tea
Steep time: 30 degrees
Water Temperature: 212 degrees
Preparation Method: porcelain gaiwan
Liquor: gold
You know there is too much tea in your stash when you pull out something that was received in August of 2013. Yikes! Thankfully puerh is one of the few teas where this isn’t really an issue. I enjoyed this tea will having a very entertaining (and somewhat productive) video chat with Geoffrey Norman, Chris Giddings, Nicole Schwartz, Ricardo Caicedo, Jo J and Rachana Rachel Carter. Our virtual get togethers have a tendency to run long so I knew I needed a tea that would keep me going. When asked how my tea was, my answer was punchy. By that I mean that it was vegetal with quite a lot of astringency. There was a sweetness in the finish that reminded me of very tart citrus fruit. I lost track of the number of infusions but I was sufficiently over-caffeinated by the time we were all saying our goodbyes. It’s hard to believe but this is the fourteenth tea that I’ve written about from Jalam Teas. Some cakes were received through a paid subscription and others have been generously supplied by their awesome team. In either case I have yet to receive a tea from them that I have not enjoyed. I really cannot recommend their service enough, especially if you are just getting started with puerh.
Bade Mountain Unfermented 2013 received through paid subscription to Jalam Teas.