The Friday Roundup is a weekly collection of five of my favorite blog posts from around the world. It’s my little way of getting the word out about all of my favorite tea blogs. Is there someone I’m missing? Let me know about it in the comments below!
Tea 101: The Most Important Thing to Learn About Tea is Temperature
Eustacia from Eustea Reads continued her awesome Tea 101 series with a discussion about temperature. This aspect of tea making has such a major effect on how your tea will taste. I definitely agree with her that it is the most important thing to learn.
Matt of the eponoynous blog MattCha opined that Youle is one of the most neglected puerh growing regions. It totally escaped my notice that I have not come across many of them. I’m looking forward to the reviews of Youle teas that he has coming up.
Exploring Japanese Green Tea From The Green Tea Shop
Danielle from Tea and Me reviewed two different offerings from The Green Tea Shop. I always enjoy the depth and thoughtfulness of her reviews. Japanese teas are so wonderful, and it was great to see them get the appreciation they are due.
Drinking Tea In Different Settings
Katie from Tea Fueled Writer shared some of her experiences connecting with tea and nature on vacation. The picture of the waterfall that she shared is so beautiful. Drinking sencha on the deck of a cabin sounds like the perfect way to get away from it all.
Spotlight: The Oolong Owl & Owl Spun
Nazanin from Tea Thoughts interviewed Char from Oolong Owl. I loved getting to learn a bit more about the crafting that she does at Owl Spun and what her tea rituals are like. I’ve always admired the fun and colorful owl mascots that she crochets.